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                                                                             The lightest and most comfortable range of respiratory masks   

  The Intersurgical EcoLite™ range of oxygen and aerosol therapy products is an important part of the Eco range designed as part of our ongoing focus on sustainable development. 

Improved patient comfort has been key to the ongoing development of the range. The latest manufacturing technology has enabled us to combine two non-PVC materials in the same product, the polypropylene material forming the body of the Intersurgical EcoLite mask is clear, lightweight and rigid enough to maintain the mask’s shape, whilst the second softer TPE material is utilised in the seal, which is in contact with the patient’s face. 

The use of these materials and the unique design of the masks have resulted in a range of oxygen and aerosol therapy products which provide improved patient comfort and a reduced environmental impact. (1,2,3,4,5) 

All of the Intersurgical EcoLite face masks share the following key features and benefits:

• Soft chin, nose and side seals ensure exceptional levels of patient comfort.
• Lighter than PVC masks, more comfortable for the patient.
• Incurved nose seal eliminates the need for a separate nose clip, designed to prevent oxygen and aerosolised drugs entering the patient’s eyes.
• MRI compatible.
• Lower environmental impact.


More products, more choice

Wherever you see the distinctive
green logo you can be assured that we have worked hard to lower the environmental impact of these products.

Our current range of Intersurgical EcoLite products in the oxygen and aerosol range now includes:


• Intersurgical EcoLite™ Aerosol Masks

• Intersurgical EcoLite™ High Concentration  
  Oxygen Masks
• Intersurgical EcoLite™ Oxygen Masks

• Cirrus™2 and Hot Top2 Adult Intersurgical
  EcoLite™ Mask Kits
• Sentri ETCO2 medium concentration masks
• Intersurgical EcoLite™ Tracheostomy Masks

Watch the video below which highlights how changing from PVC masks to Intersurgical EcoLite™ masks has the potential to help healthcare providers reduce the amount of clinical waste they generate.

For further information please
contact us.

1. E.M.Gotlib, Composition of incineration products of plasticed PVC. Materials Reactive & Functional Polymers 48 (2001) 209-213
2. B. Jacquinot, The Influence of PVC on the Quantity and Hazardousness of Flue Residues from Incineration, Bertin Technologies Tarnos, April 2000.
3. M. Wey, The Influence of Heavy Metals on the Formation of Organics and HCl During Incinerating of PVCcontaining Waste, Journal of Hazardous Materials 60_1998, 259–270.
4. D.Wang, Polychlorinated Naphthalenes and Other Chlorinated Tricyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Emitted from Combustion of Polyvinyl Chloride, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006.

5. A Greenpeace Brief on the Report, The Influence of PVC on the Quantity and Hazardousness of Flue Gas Residues from Incineration, European Commission, April 2000.

© Intersurgical AB, 2025
Kistagången 20B, 16440 Kista, Sweden
08-514 306 00