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Solus Curve laryngeal mask airway

We are delighted to announce the introduction of Solus™ Curve to our range of laryngeal mask airways.
Solus™ Curve is a sterile, single use, latex free laryngeal mask airway for those who prefer the insertion characteristics of a device with a preformed airway tube. Solus™ Curve provides all the benefits of Standard Solus, including an integral inflation line to reduce the risk of damage whilst in use, a classic cuff shape for optimal performance and a low friction material for atraumatic insertion and removal.

Solus™ Curve is available in three adult sizes and is a welcome addition to our range of supraglottic airways, which includes the innovative 2nd generation i-gel and 1st generation Standard, Satin, Wire Reinforced and MRI Solus™.

The Solus™ video and Solus™ Curve information sheet provide additional details about this range.

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