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Pocket Resuscitation Face Mask - The quick and convenient, ready to use resuscitation mask.

The pocket resuscitation face mask offers convenient ready to use mouth-to-mask device that allows you to give immediate respiratory support to your patient without compromising yourself.

The crystal clear mask allows clear visualisation of the patient’s colour giving an immediate indication of the effectiveness of the respiratory support. Any vomit, mucous or foreign body blocking the patient’s airway can be easily seen. The soft cuff moulds itself to the contours of the patient’s face providing a comfortable air tight seal.

The one way protection valve allows gas to pass from the resuscitator to patient without any physical contact between the two, minimising any risk of cross contamination and vastly improves the hygiene of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

The mouthpiece is a standard 15mm male connection so it will fit our standard resuscitation systems and breathing systems and the oxygen connector allows delivery of supplementary oxygen.
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© Intersurgical AB, 2025
Kistagången 20B, 16440 Kista, Sweden
08-514 306 00