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We have a range of lightweight versions of the most commonly used anaesthetic breathing systems in the Mapleson classifications.

Helping in the fight against Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs)
In the continued fight against Hospital Acquired Infections, Intersurgical has developed the Silver Knight™ range of products with an anti-microbial additive to further enhance patient safety. This anti-microbial, silver-based ion additive has been introduced to a range of breathing systems for both anaesthesia and intensive care use. Testing to ISO Standard 22196 shows a reduction in bacterial viable count by 99.9% against controls2.

How does it work?
Silver Knight™ is an anti-microbial additive that uses silver ions to disrupt the normal enzymatic activities of bacteria. It functions as a safe, quick and effective catalyst to deactivate pathogenic bacteria and prevent their proliferation.

The silver ions bind with the bacteria and damage the cell wall, disrupting normal cellular functions and preventing further proliferation of the bacteria. The silver ions work through catalytic oxidation therefore they are not used up following a single reaction, it may catalyse an innumerable number of reactions. This is one reason for the effectiveness of silver as an anti-microbial agent.

Silver Knight™ is proven¹ to help reduce the incidence of MRSA infection and other organisms including Staphyloccus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Escherichia coli. This technology will reduce microbial growth within, and on, the surface of the breathing systems.

Silver Knight™ breathing systems are all validated for up to seven days use, and remain active, in unopened packaging, for up to five years.

Reference 1: Intersurgical Ltd. Certified Independent Test Results, 2019.
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© Intersurgical AB, 2025
Kistagången 20B, 16440 Kista, Sweden
08-514 306 00