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The i-flo™ cannula is Intersurgical’s single use patient interface designed for the delivery of High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT). The i-flo™ cannula is available in three sizes and is for use with adult patients in a hospital environment.

HFOT has become a key mode of respiratory support in patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure and is considered to offer a number of benefits versus more conventional oxygen therapies. These benefits have been shown to include:

• Improved oxygenation
• Reduced work of breathing
• Improved secretion clearance
• Improved patient tolerance
• Avoidance of intubation1

The i-flo™ cannula complements Intersurgical’s extensive range of Critical Care breathing systems and interfaces and the unobtrusive design has been developed with a focus on performance and patient comfort.

The i-flo™ includes a number of unique features and benefits to help ensure the optimal delivery of high flow oxygen therapy.

Reference 1. Masaji Nishimura. High-Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen Therapy in Adults: Physiological Benefits, Indication, Clinical Benefits, and Adverse Effects. Resp.Care 2016 Apr;61(4):529-41 .             
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© Intersurgical AB, 2025
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08-514 306 00