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We offer a range of venturi valves available individually or in kits. The venturi valves are designed to meet the requirements of BS EN 13544-3:2001+A1:2009 and are colour coded for easy identification.

Our venturi valve mask kits incorporate the Intersurgical EcoLite™ masks, providing an unprecedented level of comfort and a reduced environmental impact.

Comfort for the patient
Improved patient comfort has been key to the development of the Intersurgical EcoLite™ mask. The latest manufacturing technology has enabled us to combine two non-PVC materials in the same product, the polypropylene material forming the body of the Intersurgical EcoLite mask is clear, lightweight and rigid enough to maintain the masks shape, whilst the second softer TPE material is utilised in the seal, which is in contact with the patients face.

Comfort for the Environment
The Intersurgical EcoLite™ mask is an important part of our Eco range, designed as part of our ongoing focus on sustainable development. The use of PVC in medical products has been questioned and its impact on the environment. The utilisation of alternative materials has resulted in the elimination of PVC from the Intersurgical EcoLite™ mask, reducing the environmental impact.
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© Intersurgical AB, 2025
Kistagången 20B, 16440 Kista, Sweden
08-514 306 00